Sunday, July 17, 2011


I'm considering becoming certified as a substitute teacher.  However, it looks like Oregon state may want you to be fully certified; which I would be willing to spend a year doing, but cannot afford.  I don't want to be a full time teacher, but I love being around children and I felt like I started to get good at creating curriculum while we were in Korea.

Being a substitute teacher in Washington is much easier, but I'd like the option to apply to school districts in both states.

Subbing could be a good career path for me, as I could use the time during which I don't have teaching assignments to write.

Do any of you have information on this?  I'm primarily interested in Early Education and Elementary.

I'm still applying to writing positions, though.  It just seems that there is a greater need for educators of all kinds than for writers.

What do you think?

Good night!

P.S.  The shop is particularly busy for a Sunday night.  Hurray!


  1. Hey Sweetie, that sounds like a good idea. You might reach out to Lynn or Norma (Bruce's sisters) since they have been in the field their whole careers. Sherrie might have good information as well.
    Happy writing, glad the shop is busy!

  2. Also you could get certified in Washington first, where it would not take so long or cost as much, work for awhile and then as money allows get certified in Oregon. You live so close to Vancouver and Camas, it should keep you busy just doing that.
    I think if you teach there are programs that help with student loan payoff, look into that. That alone is great incentive.
