Thursday, June 23, 2011


We went to see The Trip tonight after work.  Ian is a big Coogan fan (I am, too), so he was pretty stoked about it.

From BBC:

It did not disappoint, though there was a greater "sad clown" aspect to it than I was expecting.  But, I guess that's the norm for Coogan, at least from what I've seen of him.

The cinema we went to only has one theater.  Next, it's Buck, which is a film based on Buck Brannaman, a natural horse trainer with a style much like Bruce's.  My mom and I went to a clinic of his in Olympia.  I left a rambling message on her phone after seeing a poster a few days ago because I felt like we knew (kind of) this guy, but I couldn't place him.

It's a little weird to see this, but, from what I hear, Buck is a good guy who really deserves all of this.  Unlike that one guy who wrote the "autobiography."  But, it should be good for business all around.  Hopefully.  

Ian and I will be seeing it on Tuesday, so I'll report back.  Good night!

1 comment:

  1. I listened to a NPR piece on this movie. I might go see it, looks interesting.
    The person who did the movie "Buck" was a person who attended one of his clinics, and this is her first movie. I will be anxious to hear what you think about it. About "Monte", It is always interesting when siblings criticize each other, whether it be jealousy of the sudden success or trying to right the wrong done to a parents character. It is sad no matter what the situation. The truth is everyone is in their own reality, and "sees" things with very different eyes, even within the same family. Who knows what the truth is. Hopefully one would not lie outright for the sake of a good book. But the one thing you can not take away from this guy is his ability to work with animals in a gentle loving way.
