Thursday, April 21, 2011

Done Deal

Yesterday Ian and I signed the sale paperwork on Pizza Oasis yesterday.  That's Craig, the previous owner, in the background.

We're already receiving mail under our corporate name.

After, we ran over to Vita Cafe for lunch.  Ian had a celebratory PBR in his flannel shirt.  He was suddenly a little anxious about the whole thing now that it's official.  It'll be better when he can point that nervous energy somewhere.  We're having a team meeting tomorrow at 9am.

I had a celebratory yerba mate.  It was significantly more delicious than a PBR.

So, IT'S OFFICIAL.  We are business owners.  11 people work for us.  How weird is that?

I'm excited to learn a new skill set and to see the direct correlation between what you put in and what you get out.  Also, this gives me opportunity to work free lance and really develop my writing.  

I still work at Netflix, though.  It's too good of a job to give up.  That stuff will have to wait a few months while we get our feet under us.  But, you better believe I'm feeling antsy and thinking about that future.


  1. I can't stress enough how proud I am of you guys. You guys both have great focus!

  2. I think it's natural to be a bit apprehensive at this juncture now all the initial excitement is dying down, but I am quite sure your Spirit (both) have put you in the right place at the right time otherwise the deal wouldn't have gone through...Lots to learn, suggestion..try to keep a light heart about it all, learn, and take it one day at a time and I think it will all unfold beautifully..much love to both of you guys xoxox
    Cookie is next to me dreaming of mouse pizza, perhaps with a little grass and soil as the topping....

  3. 1) Go you guys! Such a grown up move, I can't even imagine myself in your shoes. I can't wait to hear more! I've already started telling my friends to eat there. One of my coworkers will be out there in June and is going to Powell's so I told her she HAS to eat at Pizza Oasis and tell me all about it!
    2) Casey, you are looking so good! I really like your hair.
    3) Dominic wants to know if being a manager at Pizza Oasis can be his back up plan after grad school?

  4. So proud of you both. Take it all in , and most important take notes. :D love your business name. very catchy!
