Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Few Thoughts from My Tired Brain

  1. I don't get enough sleep.  Ava is contributing to this by waking us up at 4:30am.  She needs a friend.

  2. I had a great time volunteering in Grant's class today, but, as I didn't get enough sleep last night, I didn't have as much energy to put into it as I'd like.  I got to eat lunch with Grant today, too (they have longer days every other Wednesday).  I'm always a little disappointed to see what parents send with their kids for snack and lunch.  Grant's a lucky guy, because his finickiness gives his parents a very tough time, but they still put a lot of care into what he packs.  One student in particular had an Atkins meal replacer shake and gummies for a snack and Poptarts and Cheez-Its for lunch.  I was also sad to see that the school gave the kids the option of a pile of pickle slices as a vegetable (carrots was the other option, but the kids who had carrot sticks, only had one each).  It's not all bad, mind you, I saw that some of the kids had chosen to buy salads from the cafeteria and they looked great.  Dark, leafy green veggies.  Not the iceberg stuff you expect to see.

  3. Ian has a post that's been on the back burner.  Hopefully, he'll get some time soon to sit down and tap it out.  His parents are coming to town tonight, so I'm not sure that there will be a post tonight or tomorrow.  I'll do my best.


  1. Not getting enough sleep makes you fat! Yup, in case you haven't seen it in the news, there've been all sorts of studies lately that show not getting a full 7.5-8 hours makes you eat more, and also makes you favor more fattening foods, like sugar and fat. So, get some sleeping pills. And feed them to the cat.

  2. Oh Ava Sue what are you doing! Godrey will come visit. What the hell is up with the parents giving the kid a Atkins replacement shake. Unbelievable
