Friday, July 8, 2011

Pure Slush Response

I heard back from the editor of Pure Slush and he said he wanted to run my story, but that he had some edits in mind for it.

So, I made some changes and hopefully it will be to his liking.  I can tell that this editor has a very particular style and not all of his edits were true to my voice, but I made most of them anyway.  I need the exercise in hubris, as he won't be the only editor with a picky style and I'm not yet in a position to argue.

But, I am pleased.  It was nice to hear back so quickly.  And I know I benefit from each new point of view on my work.

The next story I'm thinking of working on is set in Angkor Wat.  The main characters are a young couple, but not necessarily Ian and I.  I'm thinking that I may need to branch out further, though.  The book will center on us as characters, but I think I need to stretch my creative writing muscles before I lock myself into only fiction-from-fact writing.

And now for something completely different...  Ian left for the STP (Seattle to Portland Bike Race) today.  I miss him so much!  That's weird, because it's not like we're together all that often, anyway.  

Our opposite schedules are really getting to me.  I'm also having a lot of anxiety regarding work.  I work for a great company (and I'm really thankful for my supervisor and team), but I no longer think I'm well suited for the call center environment, though I'm moderately good at it.  It's not uncommon for me to have a panic attack when I think about it.  On top of that, I feel incompetent for having those feelings.

But that's not what this blog is supposed to be!  Beg pardon, but I just needed that off my chest.

Cheer for Ian tomorrow and Sunday!  He's got 204 miles to go.

Good night!


  1. Awesome, so glad you heard back so quickly. keep us posted. I will have to check pure slush out. A story located in Angkor Wat, I say hell ya. Good luck Ian, you will rock. And Casey you are really good at your job, you are being too hard on yourself. While having a panic attack do some breathing excersizes and stay in the moment. It really will help

  2. Great! I looked at Slush, and your story was far better than the one on there that I read; glad to see their editor thinks so, too. Hopefully, he doesn't want to change it into a story about puppies and aliens from outer space.

    204 miles: my butt hurts just thinking about it.
