Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Home, Woefully Under-furnished, Home!

Welcome to The Urban Agrarians!  We're home!

After a couple of months squatting with generous family, we are finally getting settled in Portland.  It's pretty exciting.

We have a couple of projects in the cannon, but it's still slow going as our minimalist lifestyle is less by choice and more by circumstance right now.

Too cool for bookshelves.

Couches are for ninnies.

But, our radio is rad.

And our kitchen is stocked.

Coffee is crucial to my 5am mornings.

We won't have internet until the beginning of December, so there will be some dead air after Thanksgiving.  But, stay tuned for explorations of Portland and the beginnings of our DIY projects.

It's good to be back.


  1. Your new apartment is pretty awesome! I especially appreciate the kitchen!

  2. Oh Casey, I miss you! Glad to see you and Ian have finally settled in some place. :)
