A lot has happened in the month since I last posted. I've decided that I'm going to post here when I have something concrete to say/show. That way, I'm not scrambling to try to blog I have nothing of interest to say. I'm still writing, however. I have put down the first few pages of the draft that will eventually be the Jecheon novel.
Pictures from the past few weeks:
Ben and Amy had a baby! Piper Rylee Nanney!
This family moment brought to you by Ian creepily leering in the background.
Audrey and I playing at Grant's soccer game.
Grant is the man! I think this is the game where he had his hat trick.
Audrey turned THREE!
Her party was at a pumpkin patch in Olympia.
Lovely family!
Oh, and we had an incident a the shop. Long story short, there was a flood in one of the apartments and our ceiling got the worst of it. You can see that 1x4 section where there's no longer a ceiling at all. Woo hoo! Luckily, we have insurance.
I'll be getting a camera soon. And we're hosting Thanksgiving this year. So, good things ahead.