(Remember, if it's orange, you can click on it...)
Yesterday Ian planned a sort of "pre-celebration" for my birthday. First Amy, Ben, Ian and I ate lunch at the food carts downtown and then we headed over to OMSI, the Oregon Museum of Industry and Science. The featured exhibits were Game On 2.0 and Narnia.
The Game On exhibit walked you through the history of gaming technology and culture and gave you a chance to play over 150 consoles. It was pretty rad and Ian made some 11 year old boy cry when he beat him at
They did not have a
VirtualBoy on display or for demo, so that was disappointing. They were such a market failure, according to Wikipedia that only 800,000 units were shipped worldwide, making them valuable. I wish I still had mine. I wouldn't sell it. I'd just play a lot of Mario's Tennis.
The Narnia exhibit was definitely more intended for small kids, but we still had fun playing around in it and looking at the costumes from the movies.
After OMSI we met Justin, Richelle, Phil, Charlotte, Heidi and Jesse and had dinner at
Le Bistro Montage. It's a trendy place with a sort-of Cajun vibe to the menu. I had linguine with veggies (chopped collard greens in pasta!) and it was fantastic. Ian had gumbo. It was lively and fun.
Ben, Amy, Justin, Richelle, Ian and I concluded our evening over at the
Kennedy School where we played pool and shuffleboard.
Here are a few phone pictures (forgot my camera) from throughout the day:
Ava's ears are clearing up and she's back to meowing at my face until I wake up in the morning. Yay!
OMSI also had an exhibit on fetal development (oddly appropriate). Amy was the same size as the model cut out.
Ben, Amy and Ian going through the fetal development exhibit. The exhibit included a week by week growth timeline with plasticized human fetuses (whom all perished naturally or accidentally according to a placard). It was done by the same folk who do "
BodyWorlds." It was intense, but awesome.
Killing time with a coin whirly thing between OMSI and dinner.
Montage makes your leftovers into animals and other fun things. Charlotte got a giraffe!
Amy's baby belly prevented a decent shot, so she improvised.
It was a great time. We had to say goodbye to Ben and Amy this morning, which was a huge bummer, as we completely adore them. I'm still recovering. But, we will see them soon. And in a few weeks, there will be another Nanney! Yay!
Good night!